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Stop Bombing Gaza


 Stop Bombing Gaza


Join Anti-Israel Demonstration

In Bradford, UK



Israel, a Zionist state, most intolerant and inherently hostile towards Arab Muslims, is indeed an illegitimate child of Anglo-American Imperialist interests in the Middle East.


After an 18 months long siege of the Gaza Strip, it has once again started massacre of the starved, malnourished and impoverished Gazans since Saturday, the 27th December.


Targeting the civilian population, Israeli war planes have killed 345 innocent Palestinians by the end of the third day and left uncountable injured. The air strikes are continuous while their tanks and troops are gathering to launch a ground attack too. In the absence of adequate medical facilities, the death toll will certainly rise.


Even during the siege of 18 months, no less than 400 people lost their lives. Most of the dead included patients and new- born who were not allowed to reach a nearby health centers.


The conscientious governments in different countries of the world have condemned this unprovoked massacre at the hands of Israeli militarism.


Navi Pillay, the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, has condemned the siege, saying “This is in direct contravention of international human rights and humanitarian law. It must end”. Further adding, he said, “By function of this blockade, 1.5 million Palestinian men, women and children have been forcibly deprived of their most basic human rights for months”.


South Asian Peoples Forum along with many other sisterly organizations condemns Israeli acts of barbarism and demands the UK Government to exert her full influence to check the hostilities of Israeli militarism at once.




Members, supporters and sympathizers of different sisterly organizations will assemble in INFIRMARY PARK, LUMB LANE, on Saturday, 3rd January at 1.00pm and they will march through the Town Centre, reaching the Council Hall where half an hour’s demonstration will be held.